
about me

Greetings, human. I'm Hydrogen, your average run-of-the-mill internet dumbass.
I'm too lazy to write a proper self-introduction here, so I won't.
I try to write articles sometimes. Check them out, I think they're neat.

where you can find me

Not on social media. All my homies hate microblogging.

XMPP: hydrogen@h2.gay
Email: hydrogen@envs.net
Matrix: @hydrogen:h2.gay

List of secondary contacts can be found here.

about what i'm doing

I'm currently working with kernaltrap, a friend of mine, to get modern Gentoo Linux
running on the PlayStation 3. We're supposed to be writing articles about it to document our progress. Take a look if you're interested in running a modern operating system on the PS3!

about this site

This domain is my place on the internet where I host various things like XMPP, Matrix and this very webpage. This site took two months of procrastination to get finished. Yup, I'm lazy at writing content. If you're expecting anything I host here to have more than five nines (9.9999%) of uptime, look elsewhere.